How To Play Blango Bingo

How To Play / Rules of Blango Bingo

  • There are two winners in Blango Bingo. The first to complete a row plus whoever completes the most squares.
  • A row can be completed in any horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of four completed squares.
  • When the game begins, shout “Bingo!” when you complete a square. Be quick, first to say it wins and only one person per event.
  • Once a challenge has been claimed, others can still complete that square for a later instance.
  • The game starts as soon as you receive your card and ends right before the trip home commences.
  • If there’s a debate on rules or an answer, whoever ordered Blango Bingo has the final say. Still arguing? You can email once per trip and if an official adjudicator is available they will respond with the final say.
  • If you feel a challenge is a bit vague or there’s a debate - ask yourself if it fits within the vibe of what the card is trying to say.